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The fight against anti-Semitism

The defense of the West

Stefano Parisi

Rubini in Pontedera on Aug. 4, responding to a question from the “moderator” who asked him whether it was not time to move from words to deeds, after naming a few journalists said, “journalists must be afraid, go to work, every day they must fear for the safety of their sons and daughters.”

The New PCI document follows up on these threats and indicates the targets: individuals and companies. Its widespread use in chat rooms has the same characteristics as the recruitment campaigns that, with their communiqués, the R.B. promoted in Italy in the 1970s. The real danger is that they succeed.

Jews are under fire in all schools, universities, cities in Western countries.

In Italy, the Israel-hating movements have many roots, various acronyms, are very active and, although they have few followers, have profoundly affected the activities of universities, political debate and information. On many occasions the academy bowed to their violent impositions. Under pressure to boycott collaborations with Israeli universities, prestigious universities hosted conferences that propagated anti-Zionist theories and the elimination of Israel and denied the holding of conferences that attempted scientific rebalancing.

But what is the fight against anti-Semitism and terrorism? Is the anti-Semitic hatred propagated by these groups, what was said on August 4 in Pontedera, an expression of freedom of thought or is it incitement to hatred, violence and racial discrimination? In Italy we have since 1993 the Mancino law? Does mandatory prosecution apply? Does the state deal with it or not? After September 11, 2001, very close international coordination was activated against Al Qaeda, not only at the level of security services, but also among the prosecutors’ offices of Western countries. The goal was to fight terrorism, to eliminate the flanking area, to ensure our security. Why after October 7 did this not happen? Why is it that after October 7, despite the explosion of acts of anti-Semitism enumerated repeatedly by the government, there is still this ambiguity in the behavior of our institutions, particularly the judiciary and universities? Perhaps because it is thought that only Israel and the Jews are under attack? Not so! The democratic West is under attack, and states must defend us.